Stabilization work at Pointe du Hoc
ABMC (American Battle Monuments Commission) - Project owner
This agency of the United States government operates and maintains 24 American cemeteries and 25 memorials, monuments and markers in 15 countries. The Commission works to fulfill the vision of its first chairman, General of the Armies John J. Pershing. Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I, promised that : “time will not dim the glory of their deeds.”
ANTEA Assistant to project owner
Created as part of the BRGM (Geological and Mining Research Office) in 1994, to take up the group’s engineering and consultancy activities in France and abroad, ANTEA is totally independent since 2003. Since October 2009 ANTEA is a subsidiary of Oranjewoud, which gathers 3800 professionals in the Netherlands, Belgium, USA and France. The business areas of the company are : Water - The contaminated land and sites - Industrial hazards - Infrastructure - Waste.
The ABMC, owner of the project, and ANTEA, assisting, chose the technical solutions proposed by a consortium combining of GTS – EGIS – GEOLITHE.
GTS Agent
GTS is a company of the NGE Group. It provides solutions adapted to all geotechnical contexts. The company, which is QSE certified (Quality Safety Environment) since 2007, operates for both private and public clients taking into account consistently structure safety and respect of the environment. GTS has been managing ground risk control for more than twenty years: Soil improvement, reinforcement, support, soil injection, pollution control and cleanup, and difficult access work.
EGIS Engineering co-contractor
Egis Structures & Environnement operates through its brand “EGIS Geotechnique” on design aspects of reinforcement, instrumentation and monitoring of site stability, while preserving the environment. EGIS, a group of engineering and consulting in the fields of infrastructure construction, transportation systems management, water and environment is present in 90 countries and has 7300 employees. EGIS is a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts.
GÉOLITHE Engineering co-contractor
The company specializes in geology, geophysics and geotechnical engineering expertise. Géolithe assists its clients in natural hazards, infrastructure and facilities projects. Géolithe is involved in technical and environmental research programs applied to innovative and efficient solutions. The company operates in France and abroad.
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