Stabilization work at Pointe du Hoc

Travaux à la "pointe du Hoc"


Stabilization work at Pointe du Hoc

The American Government through American Battle Monument Commission, funded major works at the Pointe du Hoc (14) to secure the cliff and the observation post where the US Federal monument sits. This also allowed for the reopening of the blockhouse to the public. This film explains the erosion of the cliff, the technical solutions brought by the engineers and the various phases of works. This major operation was conducted in 2010, the public opening was made beginning of 2011 and the site was re-inaugurated on June 6, 2011.

Stabilization work at Pointe du Hoc - August 2010

Stabilization work at Pointe du Hoc - May 2010

Fields of Honor

Stabilization work at Pointe du Hoc

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